Friday, 30 October 2009

Friday 30th October

Half hour tough spin class this morning followed by a 1 mile run. Yes, I actually managed a whole mile! I felt my back a bit sore running and into my hip. I am going to the physio this afternoon so hopefully, hopefully I will get the right treatment to get me sorted out and back to running again - now that my training mojo is BACK!!!

Thursday, 29 October 2009

Thursday 29th October

Turbo session with the tri club tonight - very good, very tough. Fast sets with not much rest. A few of these should sort me out!

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Tuesday 27th October

2000m of swim sets with the tri club tonight. My swimming felt a bit stronger tonight which was good :-)

Monday, 26 October 2009

Monday 26th October

1200m swim at lunchtime today in 23 minutes. That is my time trial now for improvement to get my speed back up again :-)

Pilates class tonight - tough as usual. Feel slightly more stretched out though! Physio who is treating someone in my tri club for a similar back injury is booked for Friday - fingers crossed that I can get sorted and get out running again...

Sunday, 25 October 2009

Sunday 25th October

Big kick up the backside got me onto the turbo this morning - I did 1hr 35mins and feel quite good now after it.

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Wednesday 21st October

Half an hour tough blast on the turbo this morning.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Tuesday 20th October

1800m of swim sets with the club tonight. I really struggled with the training tonight - my strength seems to have gone.

I am feeling very down about my training and lack of fitness at the moment. I need a goal or something to work towards so that I can get a decent plan in place. Not good....

Monday, 12 October 2009

Monday 12th October

Pilates class again tonight with the original instructor from last year back again. Tough, tough, tough!!

Saturday 10th October

I took part in the Causeway Coast off road 10k today. This was part of an off-road festival with a half and full marathon as well. My initial plan was to walk it but I got fed up being overtaken and decided to run a good bit of it instead! The views were spectacular as were some of the climbs. We covered all sorts of terrain - sand, path, grass, steps, rocks, you name it! I finished in 1hr 15mins which I was pretty pleased with. This was one of the best races this year. So much nicer than running on the road. My back survived it but my legs are very stiff afterwards. I think I will aim to do the full marathon in the series next year. So much nicer to battle against the terrain and take in the views rather than going for a time :-)

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Thursday 8th October

Half an hour tough turbo session this morning. My back is a little bit stiff again so it was wise for me not to try to run last night.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Tuesday 6th October

Half an hour steady on the turbo this morning. Still no pain or stiffness in my back...

2000m of swim sets tonight with the club. In the fast lane again and finding it tough. My back is a little bit tender now from kicking so much to try to keep up! I hope it settles again by tomorrow.

Monday, 5 October 2009

Monday 5th October

Pilates tonight - good tough class. I had no back pain or stiffness at all today which is great - first time in six weeks. Maybe I am on the mend at last....

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Sunday 4th October

One hour steady on the turbo today. My back was pretty bad yesterday but feels freer today and ok after the cycle. Got a sinus problem too at the moment which is making me feel really washed out - bit of a wreck all round!